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本帖最后由 周传高 于 2009-12-8 18:11 编辑


3795 "When checked, displays axes suitable for trigonometric functions"
3795 "当被检查时,显示轴适合三角函数"   当被检查时,显示适合于三角函数的轴

4151 "The hot text on your clipboard describes objects in a different sketch. These links will no longer be “hot” when pasted here in this sketch."
4151 "您的剪贴板上的文字描述热在不同的素描对象。这些链接将不再是“热”时,粘贴在这素描这里。"      在您的剪贴板上的热字描述的是不同页面上的对象。 如果粘贴在这里,它们的联系将不再是“热的”
4152 "You cannot edit text while it’s merged to a point. Do you want to return to the original text that was merged?"  
  4152 "您不能编辑文本,而它合并到一个点。你想返回到原来的文本合并?"

4154 "Coordinate and equation text is determined by the measured object, and cannot be edited."
4154 "协调和方程的文本是由被测物体,不能进行编辑。"


4161 "A tool in this document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be read. The document will open as a copy."
4161 "在这个文件工具是一个较新版本的画板,无法读取。该文件将打开一个副本。"


4162 "A tool in this document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and may not work correctly."
4162 "在这个文件工具是一个较新版本的画板,可能无法正常工作。"

4170 "Dilation by a zero ratio dilates all objects to a point. Please use a different ratio."
4170 "通过零比率扩张舒张所有对象的一个点。请使用不同的比率。"


4171 "Dilation by an infinite ratio cannot be done. Please use a different ratio."
4171 "无穷比率的缩放不能做。请使用不同的比率。"


4188 "Not all of that button’s points will move to their separate destinations, because they are geometrically defined in terms of each other."
4188 "不属于该按钮的点都将移动到不同的目的地,因为他们是在几何相互界定。"


4220 "Imported Document"
4220 "进口文件"


4222 "This document was created by a different version of Sketchpad, and contains objects that are not recognized by this version. The document will open as a copy, without these objects."
4222 "这份文件是由一个画板不同的版本,包含不承认此版本的对象。该文件将开放的副本,如果没有这些对象。"

本文档是不同版本的几何画板所建立,其中含有当前版本的几何画板所不兼容的对象。 将打开去除这些不兼容对象的文档副本。

4224 "That document was created by Version 1 or Version 2 of Sketchpad. Please open and re-save it with Sketchpad Version 3 before opening it with this version of Sketchpad."
4224 "该文件是由版本1或版本的画板2。请打开并重新保存版本3的画板开幕之前与此画板版本。"

该文档由几何画板1.x或几何画板2.x程序建立的。 请用几何画板3.x程序打开它并保存之,然后再用当前版本的几何画板程序来打开它。
4225 "Scripts from earlier versions of Sketchpad cannot be opened in this version. Please re-save the script as a sketch in the earlier version and open the sketch instead."
4225 "从早期版本的画板脚本无法打开,在此版本。请重新保存为早期版本中的素描脚本和打开素描代替。"

早期几何画板程序生成的脚本不能在这版本中被打开。 请重新保存为早期版本中的脚本且用其它版本的程序打开它。

4226 "Not all of the objects in this document could be saved to that file format. To avoid losing work, please resave this document normally as well."
4226 "不是本文件中的所有对象可以保存到该文件格式。为了避免丢失工作,请重新保存该文件也正常。"

该文档中并非所有对象都能以这种格式保存。 为了避免丢失文档,请重新按正常格式保存该文件。

4227 "Not all of the objects in this document could be fully saved to that file format. To avoid losing work, please resave this document normally as well."
4227 "不是本文件中的所有对象可以充分保存到该文件格式。为了避免丢失工作,请重新保存该文件也正常。"

该文档中并非所有对象都能完全地以这种格式保存。 为了避免丢失文档,请重新按正常格式保存该文件。

4228 "Your sketch has been successfully converted to JavaSketchpad format.\n\nDo you want to preview the result in your browser?"
4228 "您的素描已成功转换为JavaSketchpad格式。\n\n你想预览在浏览器中的结果?"


4229 "在这素描某些对象不支持此JavaSketchpad版本,并且不会出现在您的小程序。 (这些对象已被选中。)\n\n你想预览在浏览器中的结果?"

在这个页面内某些对象不支持此JavaSketchpad,并且不会出现在您的程序applet界面上。 (这些对象已被选中。)\n\n您现在就想在浏览器中预览转换的结果?

4230 "Be sure to move your HTML document to a folder containing the JavaSketchpad applet (the jsp5.jar file) before testing it in your browser."
4230 "请务必将您的HTML文档到一个文件夹包含JavaSketchpad窗口(jsp5.jar文件之前测试您的浏览器)。"

在您的浏览器中测试之前,请务必将您的HTML文档移动到一个包含有JavaSketchpad applet(jsp5.jar文件)文件夹中。

4231 "Some objects in this sketch are not supported by this version of JavaSketchpad, and will not appear in your applet. Be sure to move your HTML document to a folder containing the JavaSketchpad applet (the jsp5.jar file) before testing it in a browser."
4231 "在这素描某些对象不支持此JavaSketchpad版本,并且不会出现在您的小程序。请务必将您的HTML文档到一个文件夹包含JavaSketchpad窗口(jsp5.jar测试文件之前在浏览器中)。"

在这个页面内某些对象不支持此JavaSketchpad,并且不会出现在您的程序applet界面上。在您的浏览器中测试之前,请务必将您的HTML文档移动到一个包含有JavaSketchpad applet(jsp5.jar文件)文件夹中。

4237 "This document may contain contents that will be lost on conversion to Cassiopeia format. Be sure to also Save As a Sketchpad document to avoid losing these contents."
4237 "本文档可能包含将格式转换为仙后座损失内容。一定还要作为一个画板文件保存,以避免失去这些内容。"

本文档可能包含将在转化时失去某些格式的内容。 一定要事先保存为一个画板文件以避免丢失这些内容。

4238 "Changes cannot be saved to that document because the document or disk is locked. Please unlock it, or choose Save As to save changes to a different location."
4238 "更改将无法保存到该文件,因为文件或磁盘被锁定。请解除锁定,或选择另存为保存更改为一个不同的位置。"

本帖最后由 周传高 于 2009-12-8 21:39 编辑

4240 "One or more of your derivatives are too complex to differentiate exactly. Such functions will be defined as approximate derivatives, instead."
4240 "您的一个或更多的衍生工具太复杂,准确区分。这种职能将被定义为近似衍生工具,而不是。"

您的一或更多的导函数太复杂而不能确切地去区分。 这样的功能将相反地被定义为近似的导函数。

4241 "One or more of your derivatives appears to be undefined. Such functions will be defined as approximate derivatives, instead."
4241 "您的一个或更多的衍生产品似乎是不确定的。这种职能将被定义为近似衍生工具,而不是。"

您的一或更多的导函数似乎是不确定的。 这样的功能将相反地被定义为近似的导函数。

4242 "Differentiation was interrupted. One or more of your derivatives will be defined as approximate derivatives, instead."
4242 "分化中断。您的一个或更多的衍生产品将被定义为近似衍生工具,而不是。"


4243 "That function is the derivative of another function and cannot be edited directly. To change it, edit or change the function it differentiates."
4243 "该函数是另一个函数的导数,不能直接修改。要改变它,编辑或修改它的函数区分。"


4245 "Restart Needed"
4245 "重新启动所需"


4246 "You must quit and restart Sketchpad for your changed screen resolution to take effect."
4246 "您必须退出并重新启动您的屏幕分辨率画板改变生效。"


4248 "Trig function angles repeat every 2π units in radians, or every 360 units in degrees. Would you like to switch your preferred angle units from degrees to radians?\n\n(You can also switch units yourself using Preferences.)"
4248 "制动函数的角度重复弧度每2π单位,或每360个角度单位。你想切换为弧度您首选的角度单位?\n\n(您也可以切换单位自己使用偏好。)"


4249 "Would you like to switch your preferred angle units from degrees to radians, to match this trigonmetric axis?\n\n(You can also switch units yourself using Preferences.)"
4249 "你想切换度,您的首选单位为弧度的角度,以配合这个trigonmetric轴?\n\n(您也可以切换单位自己使用偏好。)"


4250 "Standard derivative definitions of trigonometric functions require radian angle units. Would you like to switch your preferred angle units from degrees to radians?\n\n(You can also switch units yourself using Preferences.)"
4250 "三角函数的标准导数定义要求弧度的角度单位。你想切换为弧度您首选的角度单位?\n\n(您也可以切换单位自己使用偏好。)"


4289 "This document contains components (tools, pages, etc.) that cannot be saved to this file format. These components will not be available when this file is reopened."
4289 "本文件包含组件(工具,网页等)不能保存在此文件格式。这些组件将不可用时,此文件是重开。"

本文档包含不能被保存为该文件格式的组件(工具,网页,等等)。 当这文档被重新打开时,这些组件将不可用。

4310 "Changes to Tool Folder tools will not be saved when you exit Sketchpad. \r\n\r\nTo save such changes, open the document and edit it directly; or copy the edited tool into an open document using Document Options."
4310 "改变工具文件工具将在您退出画板程序时被保存。为了保存改变,请打开文档对其直接编辑;或用文档选项复制已经编辑的工具到一个打开的文档中。"


4312 "You cannot edit this function’s equation, because it is defined by data rather than by an equation. Change the original data to change the function’s values."
4312 "您不能编辑这个函数的公式,因为它是由数据定义的,而不是由一个公式。更改原始数据转变职能的数值观。"


4313 "This picture’s border is a solid rectangle, so its height is the same as its top edge. For a more interesting height function, use a non-rectangular picture.\r\n\r\nDo you want to continue defining a function from this picture?"
4313 "这张图片的边界是一个实心矩形,。对于一个更有趣的高函数,使用非矩形的图片。\r\n\r\n是否要继续从这个定义图片的函数?"


4317 "That value is currently outside the plottable domain of that object.\n\nDo you want to plot it anyway, in case the value changes in the future?"
4317 "这是目前在国外的该对象的函数且的范围。\n\n你想绘图,无论如何,如果在未来的数值的变化?"


4319 "Those values are not within the plottable range of that object.\n\nDo you want to plot them anyway, in case the values change in the future?"
4319 "这些数值观不属于该对象的域的范围。\n\n如果数值变化了,是否绘制它们?"


4321 "Your computer encountered a problem playing this sound."
4321 "您的计算机遇到问题玩这种声音。"


4322 "That function does not appear to oscillate, and so is not likely to be audible. Are you sure you want to create a Sound Button to hear it?"
4322 "该函数没有出现振荡,因此它不太可能听见。你确定要营造良好的按钮来听?"

该函数没有出现振荡,很有可能它不是可听的音乐函数。 您确定要建立一个声音按钮来听到它?

4323 "That function currently appears to oscillate very slowly (beneath the range of hearing). Are you sure you want to create a Sound Button to hear it?"
4323 "这项职能目前似乎非常缓慢振荡(下面的听觉范围)。你确定要营造良好的按钮来听?"

这个函数目前看来似乎十分缓慢地(在听力的范围下面)振荡。 您确定要建立一个声音按钮来听到它?

4324 "That function currently may be too quiet to hear. Are you sure you want to create a Sound Button to hear it?"
4324 "这一函数目前可能过于安静地听到。你确定要营造良好的按钮来听?"

这一函数目前可能太安静而听不到声音。 您确定要建立一个声音按钮来听到它?

4325 "That function’s amplitude (volume) is consistently greater than the maximum value of 1.0, and will be clipped (limited) to the maximum."
4325 "该函数的振幅(音量)始终大于1.0的最大价值,将裁剪(有限)到最大。"


4332 "Those two points already define the “^A” transformation.\n\nDo you want to define a duplicate transformation with a new name?"
4332 "这两个点已经确定“^A”的转变。\n\n你要定义一个新的名称重复的转变?"


4333 "Your selected object is part of the definition of that transformation; it cannot itself be transformed by that custom transformation."
4333 "您所选择的对象是该转变的定义的一部分,它本身不能被改变该自定义转换。"

您所的选择的对象是那个自定义变换的一部分; 它自己不能被该自定义变换来变换

4334 "Your selected objects are part of the definition of that transformation; they cannot themselves be transformed by that custom transformation."
4334 "您所选择的对象是该转变的定义的一部分,它们本身不能由该定义转换转变。"


4335 "Your sketch has been edited so that the points defining this transformation no longer relate to each other, leaving it undefined.\n\nYou can fix this by undoing your changes, or choose Edit Custom Transforms to remove the transformation."
4335 "您的素描已编辑的意见,以便确定这种转变不再相互关系,把它定义。\n\n您可以通过撤消此更改,或选择编辑自定义变换消除转型。"


4336 "Your sketch has been edited so that the points defining this transformation no longer exist in the sketch, leaving it undefined.\n\nYou can fix this by undoing your changes, or choose Edit Custom Transforms to remove the transformation."
4336 "您的素描已编辑的意见,以便确定这种转变已不再存在于素描,把它定义。\n\n您可以通过撤消此更改,或选择编辑自定义变换消除转型。"


4337 "Objects transformed by that transformation do not generally appear to exist in your current sketch.\n\nDo you want to define this transformation anyway, in case they exist in the future?"
4337 "该改造改造的对象不存在普遍出现在当前的素描。\n\n你想定义这一转变无论如何,如果他们存在于未来?"


4338 "Objects transformed by that transformation do not generally appear to exist in your current sketch.\n\nDo you want to apply this transformation anyway, in case they exist in the future?"
4338 "该改造改造的对象不存在普遍出现在当前的素描。\n\n你想定义这一转变无论如何,如果他们存在于未来?"


4339 "That transformation appears to collapse all pre-images to a single image point in your current sketch.\n\nDo you want to define this transformation anyway, in case your sketch changes in the future?"
4339 "这一转变似乎折叠所有预先当前素描图像单个像点。\n\n你想定义这一转变无论如何,如果您在未来的素描变化?"


4340 "That transformation appears to collapse all pre-images to a single image point in your current sketch.\n\nDo you want to apply this transformation anyway, in case your sketch changes in the future?"
4340 "这一转变似乎折叠所有预先当前素描图像单个像点。\n\n你要应用这一转变无论如何,如果您在未来的素描变化?"


4343 "Your selected picture does not currently intersect the selected polygon, so the cropped result is currently undefined.\n\nDo you want to construct it anyway, in case they intersect in the future?"
4343 "您所选择的图片目前不相交选定的多边形,因此目前出现的结果是不确定的。\n\n是否要构造它无论如何,如果他们在未来相交?"


4348 "This command plots a numeric value as a point on a given axis or other path object. But no such objects are visible in your sketch.\n\nWould you like to create new coordinate axes, to permit plotting values?"
4348 "此命令地块作为一个给定轴或其他路径对象的点数值。但是,没有这样的对象是显示在您的素描。\n\n您是否要创建新的坐标轴,以允许绘制价值?"

这命令是赋给在一个给定轴或者其它路径对象上点的数值。 但是,在您的页面中没有见到这样的可见对象。\n\n您是否要创建新的坐标轴,以允许绘制给定数值的点?
4151 "The hot text on your clipboard describes objects in a different sketch. These links will no longer be “hot” when pasted here in this sketch."
4151 "您的剪贴板上的文字描述热在不同的素描对象。这些链接将不再是“热”时,粘贴在这素描这里。"      在您的剪贴板上的热字描述的是不同页面上的对象。 如果粘贴在这里,它们的联系将不再是“热的”。

查了下,hot text的意思是“超链接文字”。我感觉可能是这个意思
4151  "您的剪贴板上的超链接文字链接目标在其它文档中。粘贴在这里,链接将失效。"
4245 "Restart Needed"
4245 "重新启动所需"
需要重新启动,   好些不?
n\nDo you want to apply this transformation anyway, in case they exist in the future?"
